We help companies bring their business ideas to life and contribute
to their sustainable development


Implementa - российская компания, оказывающая поддержку на всех этапах инициирования и реализации инвестиционных проектов в энергетическом, горнодобывающем и производственном секторах российской экономики.
Наша миссия - помогать компаниям реализовывать их бизнес-идеи и вносить вклад в устойчивое развитие отрасли и экономики России в целом
Мы предоставляем широкий спектр услуг от разработки стратегий компаний (их сегментов и отдельных активов) с формированием бизнес-идей до экспертного сопровождения отдельных процессов на вводимых в эксплуатацию производственных объектах.
Мы объединяем сильнейших экспертов и работаем с ведущими специализированными российскими компаниями, что позволяет нам решать практически любую проектную задачу "под ключ". Это предоставляет нашим Клиентам дополнительную гибкость в управлении инвестиционным проектом и формировании проектной команды.

Creating a business idea
Industry research
Portfolio analysis of assets
Preparation of development strategies (for companies, business segments, regions of activity, groups/clusters of assets, individual assets)
Initial assessment of project feasibility
Creation of a project concept (availability of markets and technologies, creation of potentially profitable cases)
Pre-Feasibility /Feasibility Studies

Analysis of project financing options and shareholder composition

Justification of the project, access to financing
Feasibility Study of the project
Preparation of bankable reports and investment memorandums
Creation of a project office (internal or external)

Preparation of a final investment decision
Preparation of a detailed marketing strategy and marketing plan
Support of negotiations with potential shareholders and clients
Justification for the application of state support instruments available for the project, support of interaction with federal executive authorities
Project implementation & commissioning
Support of work with banks
Preparation of materials for investors
Expert support on specific operational issues

Companies initiate investment projects that align with their strategic goals, up to entering new markets or even industries. Implementa sees each investment project as part of the company's overall strategy and can take into account the specific features of individual industries and sectors to maximize the positive effect on the business

Monetization of mineral reserves

Production of hydrocarbons

Extraction of solid minerals

Increasing the value of raw materials

Oil and gas processing and refining
Fractionation of light hydrocarbons

Product enrichment

Diversification of products and markets

Large-scale petro- and gas-chemistry


Implementation of high-risk / high-reward projects

Small-scale and specialty chemicals

Utilization / monetization of by-products

Growth of company's value

Energy sector
Agricultural sector
Consumer products

Decarbonization and carbon management

  • We know the main industry trends and see hidden business opportunities
    Our work experience, wide expert network, as well as an excellent understanding of the “rules of the game” in Russia allow us to form a clear vision of the conditions in which your company will operate in 10, 30 and even 50 years and develop promising business cases based on that
  • We pay attention to details without losing focus on the main goal
    Our databases, models, team experience as such, as well as communications with highly specialized experts will allow us to answer almost any project-related question, as well as identify the unique characteristics of our Clients, which can become the foundation for their long-term sustainable development
  • We will be with you at every stage of the investment project implementation
    The implementation of an investment project is a long process that requires a unique set of knowledge and expertise at each stage. We are ready to get involved at any point - from the formation of a business idea to technical issues at the stage of operation of a production facility. We are also prepared to act as a “one-stop-shop”, accompanying you at all stages of the investment project
  • We are a strong team, a team of experts

    Each member of our team understands and loves what they do and constantly improves in that - contributes to solving complex project problems in an individual capacity, as well as achieving a synergy effect in team work. Even yesterday’s student will quickly find use for their strong qualities and skills, expand and develop knowledge in their chosen field of expertise. We know how to achieve results and help our Clients do the same

Implementa LLC
+7 (495) 159-22-95
111250, Proyezd Zavoda Serp i Molot, 10, of. 1002g, BC Integral, Moscow, Russia

TIN 9705125661
OGRN 1187746964712